1. I will know and abide by the rules of the Reactor Wrestling Club and the sport of wrestling.

2. I will participate in every game and every practice except for illness, injury, homework or school events.

3. If I must miss a game or practice, I will contact the coach or coaches representative as soon as possible. (

4. I understand that school shall take precedence over any sports related activity. I will study hard.

5. I will not use foul language towards teammates, coaches, officials, or others I may compete against.

6. I will not be critical of teammates and never discuss teammate’s abilities except to encourage good team work.

7. I will ensure my uniform and my other gear is complete, safe, and in good condition at all times.

8. I understand that I am on a team and will be a team player.

9. I understand that winning doesn’t make you a champion. It is how you win, how you lose and how you practice that makes one a champion.

10. I will thank my teammates for their efforts.

11. I will listen to my coaches’ instructions be respectful and work hard in practice.

12. I know I represent the RWC and the sport of wrestling and will carry myself as such.

13. I will conduct myself in a dignified manner at all times when in the company of my team.

I hereby agree that if I fail to conform my conduct to the Wrestler’s Honor Code I will be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to the following depending on the severity of the offense:

1. Verbal or Written warning per discipline policy.

2. Suspension or ejection from current Reactor Wrestling Club events.

3. Suspension from future Reactor Wrestling Club events.

4. Dismissal from Reactor Wrestling Club.

I have read and understood the Parents Honor Code and agree to abide by its governance.

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Printed Name Signature